Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mommy Camp

I am off to Mommy Camp. Try not to miss me too much. I am already missing my kids and my husband, which is probably a really good thing. But, I won't let it stop me from having a good time, I promise.

I may have a secret guest blogger. She's acting shy. If you are commenting on this post, please leave encouragement for her!!!

Come on, Dear, the world is waiting!!! (No pressure, of course).


OHmommy said...

Dying to find out who you have lined up.


CRigg said...

ok, what's mommy camp? is this a euphemism for something else? have fun and we look forward to meeting her.

Anonymous said...

You'll have gone by now - really hope you have fun.

C'mon "guest blogger" - we won't bite, give it a go.

Badass Geek said...

Have a great time!

Indy said...

Have a great trip! I forgot it was this weekend. Have a glass of wine for me.

Jessica said...

Safe travels!

Indy said...

I lady that I usually read is now writing about sewing. I thought you'd like to check her out:

Enjoy! Can't wait to see who your guest blogger is.